I welcome donations of blooks, blook advertisements, reference citations or clippings on blook-history and blook-related ephemera for my encyclopedic blook collection. I also appreciate stories and guest blog posts on blookish subjects.
I just finished watching the piece on Blooks on CBS Sunday Morning today. What a terrific piece! I have been a lifelong book lover and I have loved blooks my whole life - even though I never knew what to call them. After watching the TV program, I immediately got on my laptop to learn more and found your blog. I wanted to share two things, which you likely already know, but I didn't see shown on your site. I share them in case there's a chance you haven't seen them. Kade Spade makes book clutch purses. See this Google Images site for pictures of some: https://www.google.com/search?q=kate+spade+book+clutch+purses&biw=1366&bih=576&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjT5-79s4nLAhUM_WMKHUpxDAwQsAQIYQ&dpr=1. Also, Wikipedia does not yet have the additional meaning for the word "blook." It gives only this definition: "A blook is a printed book that contains or is based on content from a blog." I ordered your book and I can't wait to learn and see more (since I can't get to NYC before Mar 12. I will be searching now for blooks while trolling antique shops, garage sales, thrift shops, etc. Cheers from a book, and now, blook, devotee from AZ. Trudy
ReplyDeleteHello Mindell, I have enjoyed reading about all of your phenomenal success with your Blook exhibition since the Grolier opening— and now the nice CBS report. Congratulations! It is wonderful, but no surprise, that people are finding such joy in it. It looks to be a fabulous collection! I have been meaning to reach out to you for weeks to share some of my own collection of "faux books"; a term I coined for "books that look like books". I concede my term has less cachet than "blooks", but it doesn't take anything away from the fun of collecting these gems. My collection is small in comparison, but doesn't lack joy, and I love to share it with others. In 2013 I wrote about it for the Book Club of Washington's "Journal". In May of last year, Robert McCamant republished my article for Chicago's Caxton Club newsletter, "The Caxtonian". I would be happy to send you a copy if you contact me with your mailing address.
ReplyDeleteIf you ever decide you might like to take your Blooks on the road, I know the Northwest book community would welcome an exhibit, and I would be happy to make initial enquiries for venues in the Seattle area.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful collection!
Best wishes for future success,
Jennifer Kennard